IDR 18.988.000/pax

Australia adalah Negara dimana wisatawan dapat melakukan banyak hal menarik, mulai dari wisata kuliner, wisata taman bermain, wisata alam, sejarah, pantai, serta suaka margasatwa ataupun konservasi untuk flora dan fauna.


tempat ini salah satu taman hiburan terpopuler dan terbesar di Australia. Sebagai tempat yang sempurna untuk mengajak keluarga berlibur, Dreamworld penuh dengan nuansa yang membuat anda terkagum dihidupkan oleh mimpi dan imajinasi! Beranikan diri menaiki 9 wahana mendebarkan dari BuzzSaw hingga Pandemonium, Tower of Terror II (dan banyak lagi!), atau cobalah wahana yang ramah keluarga dan anak. Saat berada di sana, anda bahkan berkesempatan untuk bertemu beberapa karakter favorit secara nyata. Lihat dan pelajari tentang hewan-hewan di cagar alam mereka, atau kunjungi WhiteWater World dan sejukkan diri dari teriknya matahari dengan kegiatan air favorit seperti Wiggle Bay, Triple Vortex dan The Bro.

Sea World adalah taman mamalia laut, oseanarium, dan taman hiburan yang terletak di Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. Ini termasuk wahana, pameran hewan dan atraksi lainnya.

Warner Bros Movie World adalah taman hiburan studio film di Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. Temanya didasarkan pada studio film Warner Bros dan properti DC Comics terkait.

Double Bay adalah kawasan pinggiran kota yang mewah di tepi pelabuhan. Butik, salon kecantikan, dan restoran kelas atas memenuhi kebutuhan pembeli dan pengunjung kaya, sedangkan kedai kopi dan bar koktail yang keren menarik anak muda yang trendi. Redleaf Beach yang populer menarik minat warga untuk berjemur dan berenang di Murray Rose Pool, kolam pasang yang besar dan terlindungi. Dermaga pejalan kaki di pantai menyajikan panorama laut yang luas hingga ke Darling Point dan Sydney Harbour Bridge.


Day 1
Perjalanan dari meeting point di makassar menuju ke Brisbane via Denpasar dan Sydney.

Day 2

Setelah sampai di Brisbane, anda akan diajak menuju Gold Coast dengan menggunakan bus. Setelah sampai di Gold Coast langsung mengunjungi Dream World Theme Park. Setelah puas bermain di Dream World Theme Park langsung diantar menuju hotel untuk check in dan acara bebas.

Day 3

Setelah sarapan pagi di hotel, anda akan diajak untuk mengunjungi Sea World. Tempat ini merupakan tempat dimana anda bisa melihat berbagai jenis biota laut serta pertunjukan seperti Beach Break Bay, Castaway Bay, Fish Detective, dan masih banyak lagi. Setelah puas berada di Sea World, kembali ke hotel untuk istirahat dan acara bebas.

Day 4

Setelah sarapan pagi di hotel, anda akan diajak untuk mengunjungi Movie World. Tempat ini merupakan studio film terbesar di Australia, di sini anda bisa menyaksikan dari dekat dibalik layar pembuatan film. Selain itu anda juga bisa menikmati wahana bermain seperti Road Runner, Batman Return, Superman the Ride, dan masih banyak lagi. Makan malam di restoran lokal, dan kembali ke hotel untuk acara bebas.

Day 5

Setelah sarapan pagi, perjalanan ke Sydney dengan menggunakan pesawat terbang. Di Sydney anda akan diajak untuk City Tour dengan mengunjungi objek wisata seperti Double Bay. Kemudian menuju ke Rose Bay yang terletak di sisi timur Sydney, Rose Bay meruakan sisi pelabuhan yang makmur. Dari Rose Bay anda bisa melihat Sydney Opera House dan juga Sydney Harbour Bridge secara bersamaan. Selanjutnya, anda juga akan diajak mengunjungi Mrs Macquaries’s Point, The Rocks, Circular Quay, serta Sydney Opera House dan Sydney Harbour Bridge yang anda lihat dari Rose Bay. Kemudian anda akan diantar ke hotel untuk check in dan acara bebas.

Day 6

Hari ini acara bebas, anda bisa bersantai sambil berbelanja souvenir di China Town atau Paddy s Market.

Day 7

Pagi hari check out hotel dan diantar ke bandara untuk perjalanan kembali ke makasar.


IDR 3.000.000/pax

Samarinda sebagai ibu kota Kalimantan Timur merupakan salah satu kota yang terbesar di Kalimantan. Di Samarinda terdapat keindahan alam eksotis yang sayang jika dilewatkan.


Salah satu pesona alam eksotis di Samarinda adalah Air Terjun Tanah Merah. Air terjun ini sangat unik. Air yang turun ke bawah berupa air jernih tetapi ketika di dasar berubah menjadi berwarna merah karena adanya tanah gambut.

Wisatawan yang ingin mengenal Suku Dayak Kenyah dapat berkunjung ke Desa Budaya Pampang. Jika datang di hari Minggu dapat menonton pertunjukan seni di gedung pertemuan desa yang disebut lamin. Saat pertunjukan seni ini semua warga Pampang memakai pakaian adat. Wisatawan juga dapat menyewa pakaian adat Dayak dan berfoto dengan latar belakang rumah adat Suku Dayak.

Kebun Raya Unmul terdapat Taman Rekreasi Lembah Hijau. Di taman rekreasi ini wisatawan dapat menikmati permainan flying fox, memancing dan replika hutan. Arena permainan anak dan kolam renang dapat memberi kebahagiaan tersendiri bagi anak.

Pulau Kumala yang berada di tengah-tengah Sungai Mahakam ini menghadirkan gambaran budaya adat Kalimantan. Patung lembu, candi dan bangunan adat dapat dinikmati disini. Ada pula wahana modern seperti kereta gantung, kereta mini, sky tower dan permainan komedi putar. Untuk menuju ke Pulau Kumala dapat menaiki kereta gantung atau speed boat.

Masjid Islamic Center Samarinda yang berada di Teluk Lerong Ulu berarsitektur khas Turki. Di masjid ini terdapat satu menara dengan tinggi 99 meter yang melambangkan Asmaul Husna, 6 buah menara yang menyimbolkan rukun iman dan 33 anak tangga sebagai simbol jumlah tasbih.


Day 1

08.00 : Wisatawan dijemput di Bandara Temindung Samarinda.
09.00-12.00 : Wisatawan diajak mengunjungi Air Terjun Tanah Merah.
13.00-16.00 : Wisatawan mengunjungi Desa Budaya Pampang.
17.00 : Menuju ke hotel untuk bersih-bersih dan beristirahat.

Day 2

06.00 : Bersiap-siap menuju ke Kebun Raya Unmul Samarinda dan Taman Rekreasi Lembah Hijau.
08.00-12.00 : Wisatawan mengunjungi Kebun Raya Unmul Samarinda.
13.00-16.00 Wisatawan mengunjungi Taman Rekreasi Lembah Hijau.
17.00 : Kembali ke hotel untuk bersih-bersih dan beristirahat.

Day 3

06.00 : Bersiap-siap mengunjungi Pulau Kumala dan Masjid Islamic Center Samarinda.
08.00-12.00 Wisatawan mengunjungi Pulau Kumala.
13.00-16.00 Wisatawan mengunjungi Masjid Islamic Center Samarinda.
17.00 : Pulang dengan membawa kenangan indah tentang Samarinda.


- Tour Leader
- Menginap di hotel
- Snack dan Air Mineral
- Tiket masuk objek wisata dan Guide Lokal


- Tiket pesawat + Airport tax  dari kota asal ke Makassar
- Antar - jemput dari rumah ke bandara di kota asal
- Airport tax, fiskal dan tax lainnya
- Biaya pembuatan dokumen perjalanan: paspor, visa, dll.
- Asuransi perjalanan.
- Excess baggage (biaya kelebihan barang bawaan di atas 20 kg).
- Tips guide, Optional Tour, dan acara di luar itinerary
- Keperluan yang bersifat pribadi


- Call / SMS / Whatsapp : 0411 3256 255
- Telpon: 0812 536249
- Email :

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Agrowisata Loka merupakan sebuah daerah yang terletak di kaki pegunungan Lompobattang berjarak 20 km dari kota Bantaeng. Destinasi ini menyajikan pemandangan pegunungan yang indah, juga dapat melihat laut dari ketinggian. Jika ingin menikmati wisata ala perbukitan dan dikelilingi oleh tanaman sayur-mayur, Agrowisata Loka inilah tempatnya. Gunung Lompobattang sendiri adalah salah satu gunung tertinggi dan sangat terkenal di Sulawesi Selatan. Hijaunya alam pegunungan Bantaeng dapat dinikmati di kawasan yang terdapat di Desa Bonto Lojong, Kecamatan Uluere, Kabupaten Bantaeng. Udara yang sejuk dengan angin sepoi-sepoi menemani pengunjung selama berada di lokasi tersebut.

Berada di ketinggian antara 1070 meter hingga 1300 meter dari atas permukaan laut (mdpl), Loka sejak dulu dikenal sebagai desa agrowisata. Daerah ini populer sebagai penghasil berbagai jenis sayuran dataran tinggi, seperti kol, wortel, buncis dan kentang. Memasuki Loka, selolah memasuki ‘Desa Bunga’ lantaran hampir semua halaman rumah penduduk dijadikan kebun bunga. Indah dan sejuk. Daerah yang terkenal dengan hawa dinginnya ini tidak hanya menawarkan pemandangan alam yang indah dan udara yang sejuk, namun juga berbagai kuliner dan penganan yang bisa dinikmati di kawasan Loka. Tidak hanya apel dan stroberi, kentang di desa ini juga terkenal sangat lembut dan renyah dan menjadi makanan sehari-hari masyarakat desa. Kentang rebus yang segar dari kebun direbus dan diberi taburan serutan kelapa. Sangat lezat, kamu harus mencobanya sendiri.

Untuk menuju ke kawasan Argowisata ini, tidak begitu sulit. Kawasan tersebut berjarak 25 -27 kilometer dari Kota Bantaeng dengan kondisi jalan yang mulus. Bisa dijangkau dengan angkutan umum dengan tarif Rp 5000 per orang. Di sekitar kawasan agrowisata juga disediakan home stay untuk pengunjung yang ingin menginap. Tarif kamar di home stay itu sebesar Rp 100 ribu per malam dan sewa rumah hanya dibebankan membayar Rp 200 ribu per malam.

Berwisata di Loka, anda bisa menikmati beragam wisata hanya dalam sehari. Dengan luas wilayah yang tidak begitu luas, semua dataran Loka merupakan tempat untuk kita bisa explore dalam agenda wisata. Objek wisata tersebut antara lain Loka Camp yang merupakan sebuah lokasi resort dan outbound.

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Hello friends
Welcome to my blog . . . .

This time I want to share my experience about nature field trips in toraja regency

On October 21-23 2019, all students of tour & travel business study program in semester 3 of Class B go to Toraja Regency. the theme this time is nature field trip 3D2N.

Day I 
On the first morning we gathered in front of the Oranges (GO) building to make the absence and distribution of ID cards and luggage tags by the tour leaders, namely Mr. yusuf and Ms. mifta. Before leaving we had breakfast first and took photos for documentation. after that we were given a little direction by the accompanying lecturers who were Sir Matius, Sir Yahya, and Ma'am Mila. After that we also went to Toraja.

as usual to fill the time during the trip, each participant who took turns alternately provided information about knowledge about a tourist destination.
The trip to Toraja takes approximately 8-9 hours. so for lunch we stopped at one of the Barru district restaurants called Kupa Beach Restaurant & Cottages.
After that we continued the journey and stopped again to rest at one of the favorite places in Enrekang Regency, the tourist attraction of Buttu Kabobong, while relaxing drinking warm tea accompanied by beautiful natural scenery. after that we returned to continue the journey to the district of Toraja. 

Arriving in the Toraja area we got off the bus to take pictures and as proof of documentation. 

then we continue the journey to the hotel located in North Toraja called Indra Hotel. Arriving at the hotel we were directed to the hotel lobby to be given a room key. well after that we were directed to the room by a hotel clerk. We also immediately prepare for dinner at the penyet ria chicken. after eating we were given a few more directions by Mr. yusuf and Ms. mifta as the tour leader and also directions from the accompanying advisor. And after that we returned to the hotel to rest.

Day II
 On October 22, before doing our activities, we had breakfast at the hotel before leaving for destinations in North Toraja. after breakfast we went to the first destination, timenbayo. On the way we saw a variety of activities of Toraja people and before arriving at their destination on the bus trip we ran into a local community car trapped in the mud. We also took the initiative to help drive the stuck car vigorously, we pushed the car and finally escaped the mud. After that we continued the journey and arrived at Temenbayo. 

We also started walking from timenbaro to mentirotiku restaurant. On the way we saw a lot of traditional houses of Toraja people which have the uniqueness of each other besides that, I got a turn to deliver the material that I got, which is the toraja rice barn. I began to convey the information I knew to my friends in the middle of the discussion of one of the accompanying lecturers, who directed me to try to ride the reeds. 

at first I was afraid because to go up the alang had to use rudimentary stairs, this was my first experience and I was very enthusiastic for thatoon the trip even our lecturer named sir Matius kept giving us explanations about the provinces we visited and through, he did not forget he also invited us to interact with the local community, before we arrived at the restaurant we saw a tomb that had stones that rose to the top, in addition we also saw some residents who were carving stones for a funeral.

 not only that, we also tried to take soft traking to get to the restaurant faster, at first it looked very easy, but when it was passed, it took extra energy to get to the top of the restaurant, in the middle of the road I fell and got a little scratched, although it was scratched by everything we went very exciting.

We also arrived at mentirotiku restaurant for lunch, before eating one of our friends gave an explanation of the traditional food of Toraja which is pa'piong and after that it was time for lunch. after lunch we continue our journey to lempo and bori.

There we saw a tongkonan house that had just been built and saw one of the residents carving toraja carvings, we also saw tedong bonga / buffalo, not only that we also passed through the forest with quite challenging roads. after that we went to erong Lombok, there we saw very many coffins, skulls and bones of people who were buried in the cave wall.

From erong Lombok, we headed todi separately to see the weaving of toraja and to shop for souvenirs. After that, we returned to the hotel to prepare dinner. After that we walked to the best restaurant in Toraja namely Aras Café, after eating we were entertained by our friends who have a melodious voice and afterwards we returned to the senses of the hotel for a night's evaluation, after our evaluation we rested and slept.

On October 23, we prepared to check-out from the hotel. before the check-out I was with my three friends invited to jog by sir mat because that morning we were first in the hotel lobby so to fill in the time before our breakfast he invited to jog, that morning we went to see the oldest church in toraja which where is the place not far from the hotel while jongging we were shown places of interest Toraja area before arriving at the hotel we interacted with one of the Toraja community. 

When we arrived at the hotel we also had breakfast and after that we took a picture in front of the hotel and prepare to return to Makassar, but before that we still stopped at one of the typical Toraja coffee shops that were known there. We were given knowledge about Toraja coffee while trying the Toraja coffee in question. after that we visited the last destination in tana toraja namely lakipadada after observation in lakipadada we also continued the journey back to Makassar.

Like the first day when we went to Toraja we also stopped again at Mount Buttu Kabobong in Enrekang while taking advantage of the time to buy souvenirs. After some time there we continued our journey and stopped at one of the restaurants in the city of Pare-Pare called Teras Empang restaurant to lunch and afterwards we continue the journey and stop in one of the traditional houses of the type of Bugis which complains owned by local residents precisely in Barru district. after observation there we continue the journey. Do not stop there we also stopped at one of the restaurants called Suka-suka restaurant located near the Grand Mall Maros for dinner. and afterwards continue the journey back to Makassar. Very much excitement that we get at when in toraja on the way home we use the time separately to share stories about the experience gained, singing, and many other excitement. And exactly 21:30 at night we arrived in Makassar precisely on our beloved campus namely Makassar tourism polytechnic.

that's my experience during a natural trip in toraja. This tour was the most memorable tour because we were able to unite with nature which is still very natural and the culture in Toraja Regency.

thank you for reading and see you on the next blog.
byeeee. . . . . . . . . . . . ☺☺☺☺☺☺

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Hello friends . . . . . . :)

welcome to my first blog. . . . . . I'm REZA ADITYA SULASTRI. one of student of Tour & Travel business 3rd semester Makassar Tourism polytecnic.

on this first blog I want to share stories about marine field trips on the island of dutungan and the beach of paputo

On 4-5 October 2019, all students of business tour & travel study program in semester 3 of Class B made a trip to the island of dutungan located in the district of Barru and Paputo beach in the city of Pare-Pare. with the theme of 2D1N marine field trip. In the first morning we gathered in front of the Oranges building (GO) to do the roll out and distribution of ID cards and luggage tags by tour leader.

after that we immediately went to the first destination, the island of dutungan to fill the time during our trip participants one by one went up to the guide to provide some different information to other participants. when we arrived at the tanjung indah dock  we were briefed by one of the edvisors namely mam margareta before crossing to dutungan island. when we arrived at dutungan island we immediately replaced clothes to prepare for snorkeling and diving, but first we had lunch first.

after that we were briefed by professional divers. and then we took turns to snorkel and dive, and my turn came at first I was very scared because I did not know how to swim, even though it was given a life jacket. full of hesitation I tried to jump and fight my fear after falling into the sea at first I was very panicked fortunately we were guided by a reliable diver and I was able to adjust to see the sea. This is my first experience in bringing the sea is very beautiful, with very clear water we can enjoy the view with the sea, we can see coral reefs, various kinds of fish and many other marine life.

after the activity was over we changed clothes and prepared to continue the journey to the Delimasari hotel in the city of pare-pare. when we got there we were directed to the hotel lobby to check in and get ready for dinner at the restaurant penyet ria chicken.

After dinner, we continued the activity, which was a presentation about the K3 handlers on the merine tour accompanied by entertainment from each group. in the midst of these activities we were entertained by one of our friends who was very hilarious when appearing hahahahahaha. after that it was time to rest :)

on the second day at 04.00 am we were awakened by friends who were given the task of morning calls. after that we get ready for morning excercise, that morning we jogged to the true love statue of habibie and Ainun in the city of pare-pare afterwards we returned to the hotel and prepare to check out from the delimasari hotel. then we continue the journey to the next destination, namely Paputo beach in the city of Pare-Pare, when we got there we continued observation while observing one of the residents there looking for sea worms and the way was quite unique. after the observation is finished we are given free time. after the activity is over we continue our journey for lunch on the teras empang resto . after that we continue the journey and return to Makassar tourism polytechnic . 

this was my experience with marine field trip on dutungan island and paputo beach see you on the next blog bye . . . . :)
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